Tell Me A Story

Making Connections and Finding Support through Literature

Making Connections and Finding Support through Literature

Tell Me A Story (TMAS) is a local family literacy event that provides an opportunity for families to explore and discuss difficult topics, such as deployment, separation, fitting in, and moving. Using books, TMAS reminds parents and children that they are part of a caring community and encourages open communication. Open communication in a family leads to an optimistic, resilient outlook.

The program is geared for younger children (ages 4-12) and a caring adult to experience a curated book together. The TMAS initiative was launched in 2005, and the mission has always been to encourage reading together. Children who read well do better in school, and families who read together do better in life.

Stories have the capacity to open family discussions on potentially difficult topics, such as family separation, deployment, moving, grief, and crisis.

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