The Value of Togetherness

December 5, 2023

Episode 299

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Baileigh Levee is a military spouse, mom, and personal blogger. She discusses how her military family has navigated holiday celebrations and traditions over the years, while living all over the world. She shares tips and resources for creating new holiday traditions and making it fun for the whole family.

This podcast is made possible by generous funding from the Fort Bliss Spouses’ Association. To learn more, visit

Audio mixing by Concentus Media, Inc., Temple, Texas.

Show Notes:



Baileigh Levee

Growing up in small town Louisiana, though we proudly boasted a local Air Force Base, I had little to no knowledge of military service or the military lifestyle.  My experience was likely the same as most Americans: It was a story my dad told, an old image of my grandfather in a uniform, it was comforting and the source of pride.  But yet, it was distant and irrelevant to me as a kid.

In life, expect the unexpected.

I met my now Marine as a freshman in college, and together we have been married 15 years with three children. Therefore, the military lifestyle is ALL they know. While their birth certificates are part of their origin story, if you ask them where they are from, they will quickly answer, “everywhere.”  East coast to west coast and now with two duty stations in foreign countries, our family motto is “home is where we are together.” 

Becoming a wife and mother in a lifestyle that was unchartered territory for me has been both thrilling and humbling. There are many days when I cannot believe that this is my life, as it is such a departure from the small town where I grew up. The challenges I’ve faced have challenged everything I know. Through the highs and lows, from every address, my experience as a military spouse and mother has been my greatest adventure and accomplishment. I have found personal joy and a creative outlet in sharing our story and experiences in the hopes that it stands as a way for us to relate to others, as well as an opportunity to virtually take our family and friends along with us. No matter where we go, we have found these principals to be universal:

  • Home is people, not places.
  • Value those things that have no price tag.
  • No grit, no pearl.


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