Tell Me A Story

Making Connections and Finding Support through Literature

What Happens During a TMAS Event?

Each TMAS event focuses on one book, carefully selected by the MCEC for its content, literary value, and illustrations. TMAS books also exhibit 23 character traits of positive, optimistic people; research shows that these traits can be developed and contribute to people becoming more resilient as well as living healthier, happier, and longer lives. All TMAS books touch on two main themes of Positive Psychology: resilience and optimism, while some of the books directly address certain issues, such as deployment. The chosen books are developmentally appropriate to the target age of the audience (4-12 years) and they are respectful of the diversity of families and experiences.

The TMAS event begins with the reading of the selected book. Following the reading, participants move into guided discussion groups. This facilitated discussion time is key. It is the reason we do TMAS. This is the time for the parents to see how they can use the stories for discussion. This peer-to-peer interaction is not only for the children. The adults also have time to interact with their peers. In some cases, this may be an opportunity for a parent to meet other parents who are going through some of the same things they are going through (deployment, separation).

The program features activities for the children to participate in as well as MCEC publications to supplement the program. Each family receives a copy of the book as well as the supplemental materials.

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